I came across a blog once where the topic of the post is how can one be sure that God really listens to our prayers. I did a double-take on that because it has been my long-held belief that God ALWAYS listens and answers our prayers.
There are many reasons why I believe God is always listening to our prayers, and here they are:
- God, in all His omnipotence, has the power to listen to everyone in this planet. Even if all 7-billion people of this planet pray at the same time, I believe He has this incredible communication network setup from Heaven to Earth and vice versa that makes sure no prayer ever gets lost. Not even in translation due to the different languages and dialects of this planet. Not even timezones nor religious background nor social statuses nor geographic borders. Not even silent prayers, real-dumb prayers, one-word prayers like "help." Nada.
- God always welcome conversations coming from us. He has shown this too many times in the Bible, when He talked to prophets and later when He talked to the saints.
- God often says do not be afraid for He is near. It's His guarantee to us that He is always there to listen to our needs in the form of prayers or supplications.
- God says He loves us no matter what. When you love someone, you care enough to listen to them. How much more God with His incomprehensible and profound love? He listens even to the prayers of prisoners, criminals, and sinners.
- God is merciful. He can't help it. Every complaint or whisper that we send up to Him pierces His merciful heart.
- God loves our company. Or else why make Adam and Eve at all? He could have stopped at the animals and fishes. He meant for us to have the best life that He can provide because He treats us like friends, or His very own children.
- God loves us. Period.
On the question: "How can we be sure that God listens to our prayers?", need we even ask this? Shouldn't we base it on faith that He does listen? Why the need to make sure? If we even entertain thoughts that He may not be listening, what is the point of praying to Him? If we are not sure that He will listen, does this mean we should quit praying? We must have the confidence and faith that He always listens.
So if we are absolutely sure that God listens to our prayers, what should be do on our end after that? We wait, of course. We take the Bible passage below to heart (for this is extremely important):
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11
Some prayers He answers immediately, if it is good for us. Some He answers after a long time, and only after we have grown enough to be ready to accept the answer. And some are even answered not in the way that we expect them. It is based on the plans He has for us as in the Bible passage above. One thing is sure: He NEVER not answer our prayers.
So we wait. And pray. And pray. And pray some more. We pray until our hairs turn gray. We pray whenever or whatever the situation. We pray while doing the dishes, just talking to Him. In fact, if there's anything in this world that we better do and do really well, it should be praying to our God. And when His answer comes, we pray even harder with thanks and gratitude in our hearts. Because He always listens and always answers our prayers.
(Photo credit: Google image)
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